Credit Card transactions limited in some JC Parks Facilities

Updated 9/3/2024 @ 2:30 PM


  • Campgrounds: Check or Cash
  • Concession stands: Credit Cards operational
  • The Linc: Credit Cards Operational, Cash accepted
  • MUCR Amphitheater: Cash or Credit (unaffected)
  • Oak Hills Golf Center: Cash or Credit (unaffected)
  • Online registration for programs: Cash or Credit (unaffected)
  • Pools (Ellis-Porter Riverside Pool and Memorial Pool): Cash only
  • Washington Park Ice Arena: Credit Cards Operational, Cash accepted (online registration unaffected)

We know that accessibility and ease of payment are a big deal to our community members. To provide a more convenient payment process to our community members when they visit one of our pools, purchase a snack at a concession stand, or sign up for programs online, we transitioned to several credit-only sites in 2024. While we had hoped this would streamline payment transactions, at the end of June we hit a few snags with payment processing that have required us to limit transactions at some of our sites to cash-only temporarily.

Two sites are completely UNAFFECTED by this issue: Oak Hills Golf Center and the MUCR Amphitheater (both process payments through a separate system).

While this is a setback we hadn’t anticipated, we’re hopeful we can solve this issue soon and avoid future instances. In the meantime, we will update this post with a list of our sites and which payment transactions are currently accepted to help you best plan your visit.  If you need assistance or have questions, call us at 573-634-6482.